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Schwarzie's Tent

The Tent is stationed at the entrance of the Art Galleries in the Old City of Tzfat. Many visitors who are in search of life's deeper meaning or are on a spiritual quest leave with merely a souvenir or memory. We are here at the tent every day, to change that! 

Our Impact


It's amazing how willing men are to strap tefillin. What's even more amazing is how many first timers have walked by The Tent and never put on tefillin before. We've celebrated so many Bar Mitzvahs at the tent; both with young and old men.

Spreading Light

Sometimes all a woman needs is a little guidance; a little push in the right direction, and the candles will be lit. One small mitzvah leads to another. What better way then to start by adding more light into our world.  


Giving Jews who pass by the opportunity to light a menorah on Chanukah, eat shmurah matzah on Pesach, hear the Megillah on Purim, shake the Lulav & Esrog on Sukkos... What a unique opportunity to connect THOUSANDS of Jews to Torah.

Schwarzie's Tent

A highlight of Chabad By The Galleries is Schwartzies Tent, sponsored in part by some of Schwartzies family and close friends to ensure that his legacy lives on. 


לעילוי נשמת

שלמה יצחק בן משה ע״ה

Chabad by the Galleries 

American Friends of Chabad By The Galleries; A Very non-for-profit 501(c)3 Organization. [Tax ID#: 82-2598108]
7726 Claridge Drive, Houston Texas 77071

45 Tet Vat St. - Tzfat Galleries | +972 58-5456667 |


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